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Jason Gives Chrysler A #WhatDrivesYou Quote For Detroit Entrepreneurship

On March 4, 2015 Chrysler posted a tweet with a quote “We love what drives Jason. Tell us what keeps your passion burning. We might share it as inspiration. #WhatDrivesYou”. This was in response to a tweet I posted February 24, 2015 to Chrysler and Mike Riehl’s “The new evolution of entrepreneurship in Detroit #WhatDrivesYou”.

Since Super Bowl XL was held in Detroit February 2006 many businesses have opened and closed in and around this large city. The economy has been down in America and the Motor City has been hit really hard. In 2011 when Chrysler released it’s “Imported From Detroit” campaign during Super Bowl XLV that really put Detroit on notice in a good way. It wasn’t the visual of the video that touched me. It was the dialog. I have seen just about every shot that was taken in that commercial with my own eyes and as a video editor I know that good audio is more important that good video. I challenge you to close your eyes as the video plays. As a Detroiter or as an American there is a sense of pride that comes with this commercial.

Chrysler Eminem Super Bowl Commercial - Imported From Detroit

This city has lived with a dark cloud since the 1967 riots and those outside of Detroit see us as just another big city on the map. We are more than what mainstream media displays. We are more than Motown and more than the home of Techno music. We are more than a great sports city and more than Hockey Town. We have worked hard from generation to generation and we have become more than the home of the automotive industry. We have become where a vacant building is now more of an opportunity than an eyesore. We are now a movie production destination. Detroit is all these things and more.

Detroit is a place that is surging as a destination to start a business because of the need for services. It could be anything from general labor to an innovative resource for the local community or world wide. The new businesses are both full and part time and this development will breed more independent workers throughout the Metro Detroit area. It takes the people of Detroit, whether raised here or not, to move this city forward. That is why what drives me is the evolution of the entrepreneurship in Detroit.

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