Business Training And Orientation Videos
Everyone that has had any type of orientation or introductory job training is prepared to go through the preliminaries of training...

Jason Gives Chrysler A #WhatDrivesYou Quote For Detroit Entrepreneurship
On March 4, 2015 Chrysler posted a tweet with a quote “We love what drives Jason. Tell us what keeps your passion burning. We might share...

Which Camera Should I Buy First?
In a previous blog I talked about the first lens to pick up (50mm). I will talk more about cameras bodies in the future. When starting at...

Sandbag Tutorial Video Photography Film
Having a sandbag on light stands and tripods is very important if you want to keep your equipment safe and secure. This is the industry...

Using Instagram As A Photography Marketing Tool
Now days there are so many marketing tools on the internet that you can throw a rock and find a source to promote your photography. The...

Best DSLR Lens For The Best Price
In my first blog I talked about where to find equipment in the metro Detroit area. This time around I’m going to talk about a high...

How To Really Get Going In Media Coverage In Detroit
Media business is a lot of trial and error. There is quite a bit of equipment that has to be purchased over time and it seems to never...